Car tax calculator for Germany

Car tax calculator for Germany

Tax per year for this vehicle will be:

0,00 €



Car tax calculator for Germany

In order to be able to better plan the costs of your vehicle, it makes sense to calculate the car tax in advance. Our car tax calculator supports you in this and calculates immediately how much tax is due for your car. In the following you can find out which data you need to have at hand in order to use the calculator successfully. In addition, we offer an overview of vehicles that are exempt from tax or can be tax-privileged.

The new procedure for calculating vehicle tax

Since September 2018 in Germany and 2019 in Europe, the calculation of motor vehicle tax is based on data obtained by a globally harmonized test procedure for determining the values of pollutant and CO2 emissions, known as WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light Duty Test Procedure). This more accurate calculation leads to an increase in taxes for some vehicles because higher emissions of greenhouse gases are determined. However, the new tax only applies to vehicles newly registered as of the cut-off date - September 1, 2018. For owners of older and used vehicles, nothing will change - the pollutant data already measured will continue to apply for the calculation of the motor vehicle tax.

Data needed for using the vehicle tax calculator

All the data you need for determining the motor vehicle tax can be found in the registration certificate Part I (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I) or in the vehicle registration document. To make it easier for you to find the right data, you will find all the necessary information in a clearly arranged table, including the place where it is noted in the papers.

Data Found here Particularities
Carbon dioxide emissions/ Kohlendioxidausstoß V7 in the “Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I” This value is not noted in vehicle documents issued before 2009
Gasoline or diesel engine / Benzinmotor oder Dieselmotor P3 in the “Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I”, in the old “Fahrzeugschein” under point 5
Cubic capacity / Hubraumgröße P1 in the “Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I”, in the old “Fahrzeugschein” under point 8
Date of first registration / Datum der Erstzulassung Point B in the “Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I”, in the old “Fahrzeugschein” under point 32

Relevant factors for the motor vehicle tax

The tax rate that applies to a passenger car is calculated on the basis of engine type, engine capacity and pollutant emissions. For each 100 cm ³ engine capacity or part thereof, owners of a car with a gasoline engine pay 2 €, those of a diesel vehicle 9.50 € in taxes. The emission of pollutants always depends on the first registration of a vehicle. All passenger cars registered before 2012 have a very high limit value and may emit up to 120 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer. Cars registered after 2012 may not exceed the limit of 110 g/km. Since 2014, CO2 emissions must fall below 95 g/Km. Each gram that exceeds the limit results in a tax surcharge of 2 €. For passenger vehicles (cars) with petrol and diesel engines, the tax is calculated per 100 cc or part thereof, depending on the pollutant emissions:

Emissions according to exhaust gas levels (“Abgasstufen”) Petrol engine Diesel engine
Euro-3 or better (weight limit 2,5 t) 6.75 € 15.44 €
Euro 2 7.36 € 16.05 €
Euro 1 15.13 € 27.35 €
Euro-0 (formerly without ozone driving ban) 21.07 € 33.29 €
Euro-0 (all others) 25.36 € 37.58 €

Who pays and who receives the motor vehicle tax?

In Germany - with a few exceptions - every car owner has to pay taxes. This also applies to foreign cars that are in the country and exceed the tax-free period of one year. As a rule, the vehicle tax is paid by the owner of the vehicle. However, it is possible to specify another person liable to pay the tax in the tax form. For example, if the grandchild of a vehicle owner uses the car and is responsible for paying the taxes.

The exceptions - Which vehicles are tax deductible?

Tax exemptions are issued in some cases:

  • Electric car
    Electric vehicles registered for the first time between May 18, 2011 and December 31, 2015, have a ten year period free of taxes. From 2016 to 2020, the tax-free period will be reduced to five years. After this period has expired, owners of an electric car will still only have to pay 50% of the taxes.
  • Clean Diesel
    There was a one-off tax relief for diesel vehicles with the Euro 6 emission class for cars registered for the first time between January 2011 and December 2013 and included a tax exemption of 150 €.
  • Oldtimer
    Owners of registered Oldtimer cars pay a flat rate of 191 € and 46 € for Oldtimer-motorcycles.
  • Cars of people with severe disabilities
    Vehicle owners who have a severely disabled pass are exempt from motor vehicle tax. This applies to all those whose ID card contains the note “H”, “Bl” or “aG”.
  • Emergency vehicles
    This applies, for example, to buses, fire engines, ambulances and police cars. Vehicles used for forestry are also generally not subject to tax.
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